Finding hope in Uncertian Times

There is a lot of uncertainty in life, whether in our personal affairs or our changing and unstable political climate. The strategies that most of us rely on to contend with such uncertainty tend to be self-defeating.

Finding hope in uncertain times is easier than you think; it’s within you. When we face an uncertain future, we often resort to feeling anxious, worrying, complaining, or being cynical about events that may never occur.

But some people rise to meet uncertain times with hope and resilience. We need to develop such attitudes if we want to be successful in the face of life’s ups and downs.

What does having hope mean? Think of how you handle stressful situations. Do you offer platitudes like, “I hope everything will work out”?

Unfortunately, this is just a way of disengaging or checking out of a difficult situation. Real hope comes from a source much deeper, your core. At your heart, there are essential qualities that help to determine how much confidence you feel, as well as what you can offer to others. Hope is a critical component for facing any uncertainty, from layoffs, to promotions, to moving, and to the current state of the world.

Hope’s Primary Qualities

• Strength – You draw from inner strength to tap into your personal powers.
• Resilience – You bounce back when faced with setbacks and obstacles.
• Optimism – You stay positive despite the challenges ahead of you.

The above qualities are the antithesis of pessimism, complaining, and worry. Rather than be self-defeatist, you can be strong, resilient, and optimistic, and in this way improve your self-esteem.

Hope is essential for handling a crisis, but it can also serve as your core value daily. Uncertainty can arrive at any time, whether it appears in a personal issue, a business issue, a national event, or a global event. The situation doesn’t even necessarily need to be negative. It could be the uncertainty and excitement of starting your own business.
Now, let’s take a closer look at the qualities that are mentioned above.


Most of us are all too willing to give away our power. Yet, what could be a more hopeless situation than being without power? Being without power can happen in both business and personal relationships. You can find yourself going along with something you disagree with simply because you don’t have the strength or power to speak up.

Retaining power means that you can stand up for yourself, that you can overcome resistance, that you can turn a catastrophe into an opportunity. Real strength is in the core of your being. It’s a quiet calm that isn’t disturbed by events or the turmoil of emotions.
Inner strength established self-power that will anchor, uplift, and encourage you.


We often see the elderly celebrated in the media for reaching 100. They are always happy to share the secret to their long life. They all have different secrets, from a cigarette and a glass of whiskey every day to 3 glasses of red wine a week.

The truth is that they didn’t win the gene pool lottery, nor were they immune to the woes of life. They were resilient. They faced hard times and bounced back, shook defeat off at every turn. Being resilient is the real secret to avoiding victimhood.

It isn’t about positive thinking. When faced with sadness, it’s healthy to deal with the sorrow; when we lose a loved one, grief is natural.
Resilience and overcoming adversity comes from a strong sense of self.


Society has taught us that life is difficult, that struggling is the norm. Society wants us to believe that the safest place for us is behind a wall. In this environment, optimism seems foolish and unrealistic. When we meet genuinely optimistic people, we are jealous of their cheerfulness. Attitudes of pessimism, skepticism, and cynicism come from fear and distrust. Life can take care of itself; that’s the attitude of optimism.

“A Better You” A 7 day program to self-improvement

“A Better You” A 7 day program to self-improvement

Is your self-esteem, on the rocky side? Here are some helpful hints to improve, the better you in seven days.

I seem to lost count on how many times I’ve read and heard of celebrity marriages failing almost left and right. Not that I care (and personally I don’t), it seems strange that we often see movie and TV stars as flawless people, living the fairytale life of riches and glamour. I suppose we all have to stop sticking our heads in the clouds and face reality.

There are many ways to lose your sense of self-esteem regardless of how trivial it could get. But whatever happens, we should all try not to lose our own sense of self.

So what does it take to be a cut above the rest? Here are some of the things you can think about and improve on that should be enough for a week.

Know your purpose 

  1. Are you wandering through life with little direction – hoping that you’ll find happiness, health, and prosperity? Identify your life purpose or mission statement and you will have your own unique compass that will lead you to your truth north every time. This may seem tricky at first when you see yourself to be in a tight or even dead end. But there’s always that little loophole to turn things around and you can make a big difference to yourself.
  2. Know your values
    What do you value most? Make a list of your top 5 values. Some examples are security, freedom, family, spiritual development, learning. As you set your goals for 2018 – check your goals against your values. If the goal doesn’t align with any of your top five values – you may want to reconsider it or revise it. The number shouldn’t discourage you, instead, it should motivate you to do more than you can ever dream of.
  3. Know your needs
    Unmet needs can keep you from living authentically. Take care of yourself. Do you have a need to be acknowledged, to be right, to be in control, to be loved? There are so many people who lived their lives without realizing their dreams and most of them end up being stressed or even depressed for that matter. List your top four needs and get them met before it’s too late!
  4. Know your passions
    You know who you are and what you truly enjoy in life. Obstacles like doubt and lack of enthusiasm will only hinder you, but will not derail your chance to become the person you ought to be. Express yourself and honor the people who have inspired you to become the very person you wanted to be.
  5. Live from the inside out
    Increase your awareness of your inner wisdom by regularly reflecting in silence. Commune with nature. Breathe deeply to quiet your distracted mind. For most of us city slickers, it’s hard to even find the peace and quiet we want even in our own home. In my case, I often just sit in a dimly lit room and play some classical music. There’s sound, yes, but music does soothe the savage beast.
  6. Honor your strengths
    What are your positive traits? What special talents do you have? List three – if you get stuck, ask those closest to you to help identify these. Are you imaginative, witty, good with your hands? Find ways to express your authentic self through your strengths. You can increase your self-confidence when you can share what you know to others.
  7. Serve others
    When you live authentically, you may find that you develop an interconnected sense of being. When you are true to who you are, living your purpose and giving of your talents to the world around you, you give back in service what you came to share with others -your spirit – your essence. The rewards for sharing your gift with those close to you is indeed rewarding, much more if it were to be the eyes of a stranger who can appreciate what you have done to them.

Self-improvement is indeed one type of work that is worth it. It shouldn’t always be within the confines of an office building, or maybe in the four corners of your own room. The difference lies within ourselves and how much we want to change for the better.

A Spiritual Conspiracy

A Spiritual Conspiracy

A friend of mine sent me this, I think it is an incredible statement of our life’s facts…

On the surface of the Earth exactly now there is war and violence and everything looks horrible. But, simultaneously, something quiet, calm and hidden is happening and certain people are being called by a higher light. A quiet revolution is settling from the inside out. From bottom to top. It is a global operation. A spiritual conspiracy. There are cells from this operation in every nation on the planet.

You will not watch us on TV. Or read about us in newspapers. Or hear our words on radios. We do not seek glory. We do not use uniforms. We arrive in several different shapes and sizes. We have costumes and different colors. Most work anonymously. Silently we work out of the scene. In every culture in the world. In large and small cities, in the mountains and valleys. In the farms, villages, tribes and remote islands.

We might cross paths on the streets. And not realize … We follow in disguise. We are behind the scenes. And we do not care about who wins the gold of the result, and Yes, that the work gets performed. And once in a while, we will cross paths on the streets. We exchange looks of recognition and continue following our path. During the day many are disguised in their normal jobs. But at night behind the scenes, the real work begins.

Some call us an army of consciousness. Slowly we are building a new world. With the power of our hearts and minds. We follow with joy and passion. Our orders reach us from the Central Spiritual Intelligence. We’re throwing soft bombs of love without anyone noticing; poems, Hugs, songs, photos, movies, fond words, meditations and prayers, dances, social activism, websites, blogs, acts of kindness …

We express ourselves in a unique and personal way. With our talents and gifts. Being the change we want to see in the world. This is the force that moves our hearts. We know that this is the only way to accomplish the transformation. We know that with the silence and humbleness we have the power of all oceans together. Our work is slow and meticulous. As in the formation of mountains.

Love will be the religion of the 21st century. Without educational prerequisites. Without ordering an exceptional knowledge for your understanding. Because it is born of the intelligence of the heart. Hidden for eternity in the evolutionary pulse of every human being.

Be the change you want to see happen in the world. Nobody else can make this work for you. We’re recruiting.  Perhaps you will join us, maybe you already have.

All are welcome. The door is open.

~ Author Unknown

Best Exercises For A Healthy Back

Back pain plagues millions of US citizens throughout their lifetime. Back pain can be due to repetitive strain on the back, an acute injury to the back, bony wear and tear on the back or even from simple fatigue. Some experience back pain because they work in a sitting job and the back and abdominal area are weakened due to lack of exercise.

Many cases of back pain can be avoided by exercising your back in a healthy way that strengthens the muscles and ligaments so that back pain will not be a problem again.

Strengthen The Core

The back is not the only thing that keeps your body upright. Your abdomen, together with your back, represents the “core” of your body. Both parts need to be functioning in order for you to have the ability to stand, stretch, and bend appropriately.

Perhaps one of the best exercises for a healthy back includes abdominal exercises. A weak abdomen puts too much pressure on the back to take on functions the abdominal area needs to participate in.

Abdominal exercises strengthen the overall core and will help you have a strong and healthy back.

What abdominal exercises work best?

Something as simple as sit-ups can help strengthen the abdominal muscles so that the core is strengthened. The exercises can be done in several ways to enhance the upper, middle and body muscles. For example:

    • Sit-ups with your legs straight—this strengthens the upper abdominal muscles
    • Sit-ups with your legs bent—this strengthens the middle abdominal muscles
    • Lying down and lifting your feet off the floor—this strengthens the lower abdominal muscles

Try to do these three kinds of sit-ups in different sets of ten at a time, and you will have a strong core that will help your back keep your body healthy and strong. As mentioned, you should do sets of ten of each of the three types of exercises and do about ten sets a day. This involves about three hundred different exercises that may make your abdomen sore for a day or so.


Pilates is another core strengthening form of exercise. Pilates is best learned through a DVD lesson or personalized lessons from a Pilates instructor. It is a toning type of activity that strengthens the core, including the abdominal and back muscles. The training is easily learned and can be a part of your daily exercise routine.

Simple Back Exercises

You can strengthen the back alone although most exercises that strengthen the back also strengthen the abdominal muscles as well. Either way, you have a healthier back as a result.

Leg Lifts

One simple back strengthening exercise involves lying prone (on your stomach) and lifting your leg straight up a few inches off the ground. Do one leg at a time.

Ideally, you should do sets of ten backward leg lifts at a time before switching legs. Do several sets each day to strengthen the back.

Back Exercise Machines

There are machines you can use at the health club that isolate the back muscles. They involve sitting in a chair of sorts that bends backward when you straighten out your back so you are in a lying position.

Different weights can be added to the machine so that you can gradually increase your muscle strength with heavier and heavier weights. Do ten repetitions at a time and several sets of repetitions as part of an overall muscle strengthening routine.


A healthy back is all about core strength training. It includes not only exercises of the back but exercises of the stomach as well.

Flexibility exercises help your back as well and include things like bending from side to side to loosen the back stiffness and bending forward to touch your toes, which keeps your back from getting too tight.